We know you can create some amazing images. Now look to see what size the images can be to fit into Neon.
To upload an image into Neon, make sure it is in PNG or JPG format.
Be attentive when creating a double or triple zone to make sure the opposing side is the proper size. For example, if you create a two-zone with a side banner being 540 x 1080, the other side has to be 1380 x 1080 for a perfect match between the two.
Your image should match one of the zone sizes, above for horizontal images, and below for vertical images, to show correctly in a playlist.
Let's say you want to make a horizontal triple zone. You will need to make three images that are all 640 x 1080 on Canva and then publish them onto your dashboard.
If the image size doesn't match your selected zone size, the image may not show properly.
If the image is too large for the zone, the image may not show properly.
If the image is too small, it will not fill your selected zone.